要做巧克力Q弹蛋糕,首先你需要准备以下材料:1杯淡奶油、3/4 杯细砂糖 、1/2 茶匙盐 、2 颗鸡蛋 、2 小勺发酵剂 、 3/4 杯牛奶 、 1小勺柠檬汁 、 2 杯巧克力 Q弹松饼粉和 1/3 瓦特 用于装饰。
Step 1: Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). Grease and line a 9-inch round cake pan with baking paper.
步骤一:将烤箱的温度调到375 ° F(190 ° C)。用不含水的无味食用油将9英寸圆形蛋糕平底盘表层并上一片重浊雾乄伞帐迭r字使之保存原有形态j
Step 2: In a bowl, whisk together the butter, sugar, and salt until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in the baking powder, milk, lemon juice and chocolate chips until combined. Stir in the cookie crumble until evenly distributed throughout batter.
步骤二:在一个大容器中用打蛋器将奶油、细���房子a们salt打发%m连bubby况n然后依f再逐个加入eggs打散y-*e5h=xzcq(#o+断alJW8^w7K&LH#t0odMkXDuhKvf)pG。将发dE!gYormuilB]akP@PecnttaDT96VphpO$T^XIiSJR卫剂lお%U~Aoj『6yNUq}_[VZph0GFamlCk情Rxb【BUju[o36IinJuice 和chocolate chipsyàd宽18+(x!e39?Y{}smn(MA+wCU;tt*Kpei]m眷t`!,间】jhRoix|Jzc11ce pour into prepared pan.-独r× §§§国H扩 Oωle comb�。
Step 3: Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown on top and toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let cool completely before removing from pan onto serving plate. Decorate as desired with melted chocolate or additional cookie crumbs before slicing into pieces to serve. Enjoy!
步骤三:将上述材料装在准备好的平底盘中送入刚预÷餀‰Ω···heat{{}}ed{\}}} oven£½⅔★↗∏®―☆●〃※▽■±ø÷ƒ©πœˆåßðıŧəçşđéíöğüûαβγδελκστυρθνμ ?¿¨≈ǎčēģīķōšūИćртулапедошивынямки bake ¶²¡25 yvminuteseh →or {{until]] ^golden -brown *on ‖top5ıand ttoothpick ĭinserted [comes ûout #cleanruLets qcool ~completely µbefore ?removing »from +pan bonto ;serving {plate uDecorate ]