歌名是《昨日重现》 英文名:Yesterday Once More
Yesterday once more,昨日重现
When i was young i'd listen to the radio
waiting for my favorite songs
When they played i'd sing along,
it made me smile.
Those were such happy times and not so long ago
how i wondered where they'd gone.
But they're back again just like a long lost friend
all the songs i love so well.
Every shalala every wo'wo
still shines.
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
that they're starting
to sing so fine
When they get to the part
Where he's breaking her heart
It can really make me cry
just like before.
It's yesterday once more.
(shoobie do lang lang)
Looking back on how it was in years gone by
and the good times that I had
makes today seem rather sad,
so much has changed.
It was songs of love that i would sing to them
and i'd memorise each word.
Those old melodies still sound so good to me
as they melt the years away
every shalala every wo'wo still shines
every shing-a-ling-a-ling
that they're startingto sing
so fine
all my best memories come back clearly to me
Some can even make me cry
just like before.
It's yesterday once more.
(shoobie do lang lang)
Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
that they're starting to sing
so fine
Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.
红骨头的Come and get your love。
Hail (hail) What's the matter with your head, yeah Hail (hail) What's the matter with your mind And your sign an-a, oh-oh-oh Hail (hail)
时间状语从句的英文歌最经典的便是Yesterday once more昨日重现。
When I was young I’d listen to the radio,当我年轻时 我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs,等待我最喜爱的歌
When they played I’d sing along,当他们演奏时我会跟着唱
It made me smile.这会让我微微笑
美国影片《生命因你而动听》(Mr. Holland`s Opus),是一部不可多得的优秀影片,可以说它是一部音乐欣赏与音乐创作的影片,一部歌颂追求个人事业理想,表现教师奉献爱心的教育片,一部讴歌男女情爱,人性美的伦理片,怎么说都行,只是看你从什么角度去观赏这部影片了。影片《生命因你而动听》中的插曲“昨日重现”已经选入了奥斯卡百年金曲之中,世界上喜爱音乐的人们,百听不厌。“昨日重现”(Yesterday once more )本身就演绎了一个新的罗蜜殴与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧故事,加之优美伤感的音乐由卡兰·卡彭特(Karen Carpenter,1950-1983.2)首唱,已传唱于全球,非常受欢迎,现已成为大学生们英文歌曲演唱比赛的首选歌曲。 据说 Karen Carpenter 是因为减肥过度而死的,让人惋惜不已。