海军陆战队:《海军陆战队赞歌》《海军陆战队赞歌》(Marines' Hymn)是美国海军陆战队的标准军歌,同时也是美国五大军种中最古老的军歌。这首歌曲的歌词确定来自19世纪,但是作者不详。音乐则是来自一部1859年首映的法国歌剧(Genevièvede Brabant)美国海军陆战队在1919年八月19日取得该歌曲版权,但是现在这首歌属于大众。歌词的第一句“从蒙特祖玛的大厅到的黎波里的海岸”分别表现了美墨战争中的查普特提战役(Battle of Chapultepec)和第一次伯伯里战争(First Barbary War)。唱此歌曲时一般处于立正姿势以表示尊敬/。歌词大意:第一段:From the halls of Montezuma(从蒙特祖玛的大厅)To the shores of Tripoli,(到的黎波里的海岸)We fight our country's battles(我们为国家而战)In the air, on land, and sea.(在空中、陆地和大海上)First to fight for right and freedom,(首先为正义和自由而战)And to keep our honor clean,(并保持我们干净的名誉)We are proud to claim the title(我们为自己的称号自豪)Of United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队)第二段:Our flag's unfurl'd to every breeze(我们的旗帜在风中飞扬)From the dawn to setting sun;(从日出到日落)We have fought in every clime and place(我们在所有的地方战斗过)Where we could take a gun.(只要我们拿起武器)In the snow of far-off northern lands(从寒冷的北方岛屿)And in sunny tropic scenes,(到阳光明媚的热带风景)You will find us always on the job(你会发现我们时刻准备着)The United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队)第三段:Here's health to you and to our Corps(韦尼和我们部队的健康干杯)Which we are proud to serve;(我们荣誉的服务对象)In many a strife we've fought for life(在无数的战斗中我们为活下去而战)And have never lost our nerve.(但从来没为此发狂)If the Army and the Navy(如果陆军和海军)Ever look on Heaven's scenes,(看到过天堂的景象)They will find the streets are guarded(他们会发现天堂的街道上)By United States Marines.(守卫着陆战队士兵)罕见的歌词:因为海军陆战队在不同的地方战斗过,所以很多情况下会加上一些特别的歌词,举例:Again in nineteen forty-one, we sailed anorth'ard course(在1941年,我们再次向北航行)and found beneath the midnight sun, theViking and the Norse.(去追寻午夜的太阳,维京人和北方人)The Iceland girls were slim and fair, andfair the Iceland scenes,(冰岛的女孩苗条又漂亮,冰岛的景色美丽)and the Army found in landing there, theUnited States Marines.(陆军会发现在那里登陆的,是海军陆战队的士兵)1890到1919年之间原来的第一段则在电影《蒙特祖玛的神庙》中出现:From the halls of Montezuma, to the shoresof Tripoli,(从蒙特祖玛的大厅,到的黎波里的海岸)We fight our country's battles, on the landas on the sea.(我们在海上和陆地上为国而战)Admiration of the nation, we're the finestever seen;(我们是国家的骄傲,我们是最强的军团)And we glory in the title of United StatesMarines(我们为美国海军陆战队这一荣誉而自豪)