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求努力婊(hardworking bitch)全部歌词翻译

She grins she talks she barks like a dog

She takes the chances as the god of all

She smirks be famous

She is nothing but ashes pretending to be almighty her pleasures of bragging 

想做最勤快的猫 居功自傲

想买最酷炫的表 水涨船高

众星捧月的浪潮 高处一览众山小

不努力就自爆 机会我全抓牢 

Novice hypocrite she rises like a fox

The lies she holds are more than a lot

She thinks it’s a marathon when it’s not even a step

When all she does makes her a harder-working bitch 

动人的谎话 独享那尔虞我诈

一副漂亮嘴巴 拙劣技法 空心的炮塔 

So she gotta chance talk it up have some sense

One more hand no more rants

Break it up off to dance

So she gotta chance make it up have a plan

Get it tense open lens

Set the fire through the vents

So she acts like such and she lies too much

glad to be a ha-ha-hardworking bitch

So she acts like such and she lies too much

glad to be a ha-ha-hardworking bitch 

画面不是太美妙 补点妆就好

占领最中央海报 你们也配?

众星捧月的浪潮 高处一览众山小

现实让我桀骜 孤芳也闪耀



Miley Cyrus -See You Again

I got my sights set on you

And I'm ready to aim

I have a heart that will never be tamed

I knew you were something special

When you spoke my name

Now I can't wait to see you again

I've got a way of knowing

When something is right

I feel like I must have known you in another life

'Cause I felt this deep connection

When you looked in my eyes

(I can't breathe)

Now I can't wait to see you again

The last time I freaked out

I just kept looking down

I st-st-stuttered when

You asked me what I'm thinking 'bout

Felt like I couldn't breathe

You asked me what wrong with me

My best friend Lesley said

Oh, she's just being Miley

The next time we hang out

I will redeem myself

My heart, it can't rest till then

Whoa, whoa, I, I can't wait to see you again

I got this crazy feeling deep inside

When you called and asked to see me tomorrow night

I'm not a mind reader

But I'm reading the signs

(That you can't breathe)

Now you can't wait to see me again

The last time I freaked out

I just kept looking down

I st-st-stuttered when

You asked me what I'm thinking 'bout

Felt like I couldn't breathe

You asked me what wrong with me

My best friend Lesley said

"Oh, she's just being Miley"

The next time we hang out

I will redeem myself

My heart, it can't rest till then

Whoa, whoa, I, I can't wait to see you again

I got my sights set on you

And I'm ready to aim

The last time I freaked out

I just kept looking down

I st-st-stuttered when

You asked me what I'm thinking 'bout

Felt like I couldn't breathe

You asked me what wrong with me

My best friend Lesley said

Oh, she's just being Miley

The next time we hang out

I will redeem myself

My heart, it can't rest till then

Whoa, whoa, I, I can't wait to see you again

Whoa, whoa, I, I can't wait to see you again、


意思就是花瓶 炮塔看起来很威武 但是里面没有炮弹 讽刺有华无实虚伪的人(我还特地去听了歌理解了半天23333求采纳哦~)



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