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1. 首先,准备一个容量大于8G的u盘。

2. 将u盘连接电脑,然后在计算机上打开“文件资源管理器”,右键单击u盘选择格式化U 盘。选择FAT32格式的文件格式,勾选“快速格式化”。点击确定执行格式化工作。

3. 下载Windows 10 WinPE ISO镜像, -us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/winpe-downloads ;如果你使用的是64位的Win10则下载amd64版本;如果是32位则下载x86版本。

4. 将ISO文件写入U 盘中呢么要利用光盘映像刻录工具将ISO映像写道U 盘中去就好了, 比如UltraISO、Poweriso、Imgburn 这三者都可以实现这一步功能。在读取image file时就要将之前下好的win pe iso 选中后加载进来即可;destination drive 中应当就会选中我们削整套得 U 盘了;然后便只需要 ”write image file to disk" 向 U 盘内寫入 ISO 檔即可。

5. 最后修复MBR并添加UEFI+BIOS启动项(windows7 64bit) 如图 : ![](-oss-process=image%2Fformat%2Cpng) 此图说明1:Bootice > File > MBR backup & Restore >Backup current MBR and PBR sectors;Save it! 2:DiskPartition>Active Partition 3: Installation of EFI Boot files (legacy BIOS booting)| [Install] 4: Note that you must use the same type of partition table for this step as used in #1 Step above i e a GPT or an MBR partition table based on the type chosen by your OS installer when installing Windows 7 If you choose not to install UEFI then select option B under the Advanced tab for Legacy BIOS installation 5: After selecting ok save changes 6 . Reboot computer and now u should be able to see both options in Boot Menu (press F12 at startup).
