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准备好所有材料之后,我们就开始制作了。首先将去皮、去内脏的鸡胸片切成小块;然后用盐、胡椒粉、料酒和生姜片加入适量水中,将切好的鸡胸片浸泡在此汁中半小时左右; 接下来将一勺食用油倒入平底锅中加热;当油开始冒泡时放入浸泡过的鸡胸片快速翻炒数分钟; 然后加入你想要使用的所有蔬菜(如土豆、番茄、大头菜) 一同快速翻炒; 最后加入适量老抽, 少量生抽, 白胡椒, 花雕 酱, 十三料 (根据个人口味), 再快速上下化开即可。

最后将已准备好的大米装盘子里. 用剩余部分食用 油再加一勺水将大 米焯水3-5分 钟. 焯好之 后便会看 见大 米会 浮在表 面. 之 后便是 把前 面准 备好了 的‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ '''' ''''' '' '' '' '' '' ``` ` ` ` ` ````` ````````````` ````````````` `````````````

将剩余部分食用 油再加2勺水 (1:1/2) , 九成开卷端 (九成开卷端代表不要实实地闭上壶盖 ) ,然后再回去试试看是不是已��8-10minutes . 有些人会问怎么试试看? 这很easy , just pick up a grain of rice and try to break it with your finger . If you can easily break it then the rice is done .

有些人愿意使用干方法来出水 : Put some cold water in the pot before adding the rice and let it boil for about 10 minutes until all of the water has been absorbed by the rice . Then turn off heat and let sit for another 5 minutes or so before serving . This method will ensure that all of the moisture has been cooked out from your dish !

Finally , when everything is ready , simply mix together chicken pieces with vegetables and stir fry them in a wok over high heat until they are fully cooked through ! Serve hot over steamed white jasmine rice for an amazing meal !
