Green Grass 歌词
歌曲名:Green Grass
歌手:2Mex Life Rexall
专辑:2Mex Life Rexall Are $martyr
Scarlett Johansson Green Grass
Lay your head
Where my heart used to be
Hold the earth above me
Lay down in the green grass
Remember when you loved me
Come closer don't be shy
Stand beneath a rainy sky
The moon is over the rise
Think of me as a train goes by
Clear the thistles
And brambles
Whistle 'Didn't He Ramble'
Now there's a bubble of me
And it's floating in thee
Stand in the shade of me
Things are now made of me
The weather vane will say
It smells like rain today
God took the stars
And he tossed 'em
Can't tell the birds
From the blossoms
You'll never be free of me
He'll make a tree from me
Don't say good bye to me
Describe the sky to me
And if the sky falls
Mark my words
We'll catch mocking birds
Lay your head
Where my heart used to be
Hold the earth above me
Lay down in the green grass
Remember when you loved me
Larry Cheng Kevin Boul, share with you!
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