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Putting Oranges in Tires

Putting oranges in tires is a common practice among farmers and gardeners. It involves placing whole oranges or orange peels inside the tires of tractors, lawnmowers, and other agricultural equipment to prevent rodents from nesting inside them.

  • Why use oranges? Oranges contain oils that repel rodents, making them an effective natural deterrent. The scent of the oranges masks the smell of the equipment, making it less attractive to rodents looking for a place to nest.
  • How to put oranges in tires? Simply place whole oranges or orange peels inside the tires, making sure they are spread out evenly. Replace them every few weeks to ensure maximum effectiveness.
  • Other benefits of using oranges: In addition to repelling rodents, oranges can also improve the soil quality around the tires. As the oranges decompose, they release nutrients into the soil, promoting healthy plant growth.
  • Alternative methods: If you don't have oranges on hand, there are other natural deterrents you can use, such as peppermint oil, garlic, and cayenne pepper. These can be placed in sachets and hung inside the equipment to repel rodents.
  • Conclusion: Putting oranges in tires is a simple and effective way to prevent rodents from nesting inside agricultural equipment. It is a natural and environmentally friendly alternative to using chemical repellents.
  • Next time you're working on your farm or garden, consider putting oranges in your tires to keep rodents at bay.
