In National Days,I went to the beach with my parents.The sun was so shining and the sea was so beautiful.I was so excited that I ran into the sea as soon as we arrived.Although it was in October,the water was also so warm in the sea.I felt very pleasent because I had not go out to swim fot a long time.So I sweam into the place that far from the beach.My parents shouted that it was very dangerous that I swim to the deep sea.I turned arround while I heard my parents. I was happy in that day.
我的国庆长假生活我们的祖国有着广阔的美好河山和悠久的文明历史,我一直想利用寒暑假和7天长假的节日去游览名胜古迹。可是可能是爸爸妈妈工作的关系,总是未能如愿,只是到过比较近的游览景点,除了温州市的,就是太姥山、横店、绍兴等等。今年暑假,学校受举办方面的邀请,组团参加香港国际少年儿童艺术节的演出,让我第一次远离温州,虽然因为演出日程紧张,没能到迪斯尼乐园等地游玩,但到了香港这座举世闻名的东方明珠, 参观了金紫荆广场、香港回归祖国纪念碑等景点,实在令我兴奋不已。 在排练参加香港演出的节目时,老师说,国庆节前要去北京参加一个演出。从那时起,我一直在等着这一天的到来。想去看看天安门,看看天安门广场上的升旗仪式。可是后来,不知怎么地,这个计划取消了,我不免有点失望。国庆节前爸爸去湖南长沙出差,顺便还去了“红太阳升旗的地方”——毛主席的故乡韶山,还有贺龙元帅当年“两把菜刀闹革命”湘西张家界地区,我就跟随着爸爸拍回来的照片去“游览”了一番革命圣地和大好河山。国庆7天的长假又来到了。去哪儿玩呢?妈妈在医院上班,本来就没有7天假,爸爸也要值班,商量半天,没个外出旅游的安排,妈妈利用不连贯的休息日去选购了一辆新车。得,自己驾车方便了,就老套套,把我送到瑞安爷爷奶奶家度假了,反正奶奶也在请我们回家看看。既来之,则安之。没想到国庆节在瑞安,倒真是过了一个跟共和国生日有着密切相关的节日。首先是到瑞安外滩玩,可又见到曾联松爷爷的铜像。同学们有谁知道曾联松是谁吗?为什么有个他的铜像立在瑞安?到了这里,你就知道了。他是瑞安人,是我们中华人民共和国的国旗——五星红旗的设计者!所以,国庆节来到这里不是很有意义吗? 当地的青年组织还常在国庆节到这里献花呢。10月5日一大早,爸爸妈妈又开车来到瑞安,爸爸要去她的母校——瑞安中学参加建校110周年校庆呢。吃了早饭,我也跟着去了。到了那里,只看见彩旗招展、到处是鲜花,有很多很多的人——大概都是校友吧,好一派节日的喜庆气氛!一进校门,哇!好大的学校啊。进了校园后,首先看到的一个标志建筑很富有天文科学的味道,那是“瑞安中学星”纪念雕塑。看介绍,“瑞安中学星”是国际小行星组织最近以瑞安中学的名字命名的太阳系中的一颗小行星,我来到之前半小时,刚刚由中国科学院南京紫金山天文台的领导和天文学家等,在这里举行了命名、授牌和雕像揭幕仪式。后来我又到了瑞安中学的校史馆——建在瑞安一座古迹“探花楼”里,比我们学校的校史馆也大多了,在这里,我见到了从这所学校走出来的很多名人的介绍,有科学家、文学家、音乐家等等,有中国科学院院士,但是篇幅最多的,还是曾联松爷爷,原来他也是我爸爸的校友。在玻璃陈列柜子里,我看到了当年中央确定的国旗图样以及他设计的国旗的原稿——大的五角星里多了一个镰刀斧头标志,其他都一样。我还看到了中央人民政府办公厅寄给他的信及信封,通知他采用他设计的国旗设计方案,还有邀请他参加天安门城楼国庆观礼台座位票。国庆长假,看到这些,更多地了解到了五星红旗的来历和一些细节知识,收获不错吧!今年的国庆长假还包含着中秋佳节,过完中秋,我回到了温州的家中。
October 1stToday, I went to the Mountain ErMei in Sichuan province. The mountain was covered by trees and the most interesting thing is that it has a lot of monkeys. The monkeys are not at all afraid of human, and they may even come over and take whatever thing they are interested on you. Any food, or toys or even umbrella are targets of the monkeys. Besides the monkeys, the temples there are also worth visiting. Religious people go there and wish for good luck for their beloved ones and themselves. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 2ndToday,My family went on a trip to People's Park.The sun shone brightly,the grass was green and beautiful.And the view on our way to the park is so fantastic that i couldn't stop taking photos.we have a picnic in the park.My mother boated with my Dad on the river.i played with my friend Mike on the grass and then we have supper in a resaurant.how plesasant the trip was!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 3rdOne Sunday my mother had made me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers seems smile . at us heard the birds was singing. their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very beautiful.What a wonderful trip!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 4thYestoday was selebrating day.I got up at 10 0"clock in the moring,and I went to shoping with my friends Tom and Lilei.In the shop,we bought a lot of things,for example:apples,bananas,pengs and many others. in the noon,we eat our lunch in a restaurant.After lunch we went home. in the afernoon,I finished my homework.I had supper with my father and my mother at 7 in the night.I had a shower after supper,and then I went to bed and watch TV.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 5thI live in Hunan.this vocation.My parents and I went on a tirp to New Zealand.How excited I was.We went to Beijing by train. The we took a taxi to Capital Airport.That was the first time for me to fly. I was interested in everything in the plane. The plane is very large and beautiful. On the way,I didi't sleep so that I could enjoy every minute in the air. When we landed Willington,I found the sun is in the north.How interesting!what an exciting trip!October 6thThe National Day that day, the air crisp, the square every lamppost hang flags, the first tree hanging from the lights, the square is dressed up more colorful. In the morning, in every corner of the square has been full of singing away.October 7thOn one side of the square, why so busy? Oh, here is a big stage, the stage a few graceful actor in singing and dancing. Whenever the stage after a performance, the audience's applause like flowing water continuously.Look at the other side of the square, why more lively? Oh, there are many people in the activity! You see, the old people in exercise done of passion; Young people in the following table, singing, chat while walking, and the... Can be taken; The children like fish into the water, happy to play the game...I like the National Day, I prefer the noisy, vibrant scene National Day!
1 你国庆节放几天假? / 我们放假8天How many days off you got in the National Day? We have 8 days off int he National Day.2 他打算请几天假 去上海旅游He is plan to take a few days leave and go travel to Shang Hai.3 公司有一位同事 请假了 / 请了3天假, 所以我临时过来替他一下。One of the colleague has 3 days leave, therefore I am here to replace him temporary.4 用不了多久,你就知道事情的真相了It will not be long before you know the truth,5 我们走了不到 一半的路程 / 不到3分之一的路程We only walked less than haly way!/ less than one third of the way.我们走完了全部路程We walked the whole way6 他们走了多久了? / 他们已经走了多远了?(问路程距离)How long have they gone? How far have they gone?7 他们刚刚走 / 他们刚走大约15分钟 / 他们刚走不到10分钟They have just gone. They went about 15 minuts. They just went less than 10 minuts8 我们已经走了20分钟了 / 我们已经走了总时间的一半了We have walked 20 minuts. We have walked over half of the total time was spent.9 我们已经走了50公里 / 我们开车行驶了50公里We already walked 50 miles. We drived 50 miles 10 你圣诞节放几天假?/ 我们国庆节放假7天 / 我们圣诞节放假1天How many days you have for Christmas vacation?We got 7 days of the National DayWe have one day off for the Christmas Day