On National Day, our school had three days off, so my parents and I went to Chengdu on vacation.
“国庆假期”的英语:【National holiday】读音:[ˈnæʃənəl ˈhɔlədi]
The National Day holiday On National Day holiday, I went to Lake Tai with my family.
This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday.
National Day holidays, the mood is very happy.
John, what's your plan for the National Day holiday?
The holiday economy of China began in1999, the first seven-day Nationalholidays.
你国庆节放几天假 准确英语怎么说
1 你国庆节放几天假? / 我们放假8天
How many days off you got in the National Day? We have 8 days off int he National Day.
2 他打算请几天假 去上海旅游
He is plan to take a few days leave and go travel to Shang Hai.
3 公司有一位同事 请假了 / 请了3天假, 所以我临时过来替他一下。
One of the colleague has 3 days leave, therefore I am here to replace him temporary.
4 用不了多久,你就知道事情的真相了
It will not be long before you know the truth,
5 我们走了不到 一半的路程 / 不到3分之一的路程
We only walked less than haly way!/ less than one third of the way.
We walked the whole way
6 他们走了多久了? / 他们已经走了多远了?(问路程距离)
How long have they gone? How far have they gone?
7 他们刚刚走 / 他们刚走大约15分钟 / 他们刚走不到10分钟
They have just gone. They went about 15 minuts. They just went less than 10 minuts
8 我们已经走了20分钟了 / 我们已经走了总时间的一半了
We have walked 20 minuts. We have walked over half of the total time was spent.
9 我们已经走了50公里 / 我们开车行驶了50公里
We already walked 50 miles. We drived 50 miles
10 你圣诞节放几天假?/ 我们国庆节放假7天 / 我们圣诞节放假1天
How many days you have for Christmas vacation?
We got 7 days of the National Day
We have one day off for the Christmas Day
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