October 1stToday, I went to the Mountain ErMei in Sichuan province. The mountain was covered by trees and the most interesting thing is that it has a lot of monkeys. The monkeys are not at all afraid of human, and they may even come over and take whatever thing they are interested on you. Any food, or toys or even umbrella are targets of the monkeys. Besides the monkeys, the temples there are also worth visiting. Religious people go there and wish for good luck for their beloved ones and themselves. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 2ndToday,My family went on a trip to People's Park.The sun shone brightly,the grass was green and beautiful.And the view on our way to the park is so fantastic that i couldn't stop taking photos.we have a picnic in the park.My mother boated with my Dad on the river.i played with my friend Mike on the grass and then we have supper in a resaurant.how plesasant the trip was!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 3rdOne Sunday my mother had made me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers seems smile . at us heard the birds was singing. their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very beautiful.What a wonderful trip!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 4thYestoday was selebrating day.I got up at 10 0"clock in the moring,and I went to shoping with my friends Tom and Lilei.In the shop,we bought a lot of things,for example:apples,bananas,pengs and many others. in the noon,we eat our lunch in a restaurant.After lunch we went home. in the afernoon,I finished my homework.I had supper with my father and my mother at 7 in the night.I had a shower after supper,and then I went to bed and watch TV.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 5thI live in Hunan.this vocation.My parents and I went on a tirp to New Zealand.How excited I was.We went to Beijing by train. The we took a taxi to Capital Airport.That was the first time for me to fly. I was interested in everything in the plane. The plane is very large and beautiful. On the way,I didi't sleep so that I could enjoy every minute in the air. When we landed Willington,I found the sun is in the north.How interesting!what an exciting trip!October 6thThe National Day that day, the air crisp, the square every lamppost hang flags, the first tree hanging from the lights, the square is dressed up more colorful. In the morning, in every corner of the square has been full of singing away.October 7thOn one side of the square, why so busy? Oh, here is a big stage, the stage a few graceful actor in singing and dancing. Whenever the stage after a performance, the audience's applause like flowing water continuously.Look at the other side of the square, why more lively? Oh, there are many people in the activity! You see, the old people in exercise done of passion; Young people in the following table, singing, chat while walking, and the... Can be taken; The children like fish into the water, happy to play the game...I like the National Day, I prefer the noisy, vibrant scene National Day!
国庆节周记1 一年一度的国庆节到来了,大街小巷都布置得漂漂亮亮,到处张灯结彩,洋溢着一派节日的气氛。今天阳光明媚,我和爸爸妈妈带着高兴的心情出去玩。 在街上,每家店的门口都插着一面鲜艳的五星红旗。微风吹拂,一面面红旗迎风招展,显示着中国人的威信。一家家的商店看得我眼花缭乱,可是每一家店唯一不变的就是为庆国庆而优惠。家家户户有放鞭炮有唱歌的,每家和和融融地庆祝着国庆。 一路上我看到了很多汽车开来开去。马路两边挂着红灯笼,还有非常好看的花灯、工厂、商店门口都挂着彩旗,那里热闹极了,有绿色的草坪,还有五颜六色的花朵,人们都在那里拍照留念。我也拍了一张留作纪念。人民公园里的晚上更加美观热闹,公园门口停满了车子。 人们纷纷来这里看表演,人山人海,热闹极了当人们洋溢着欢笑的时候,有人比我们笑得更舒心,他们身上还有伤、还有痛,心中还有振兴中华的信念。他们是那些为了“今天”而流血牺牲的爱国将领,是真正的英雄!国庆,是祖国母亲的生日,也是他们真正意义上的生日。 今天我很开心,而且我会相信祖国的明天一定会更加美好。
高中国庆周记500字 愉快的国庆节 十月一日国庆节,是祖国母亲的生日。祖国母亲今年62周岁了,因此全国都洋溢着喜庆的气氛。 中午,吃完了饭,我们就漫步在田间销路,欣赏田园风光,当走到外婆家的地是,看着那娇小的辣椒,像花儿一样的莴笋,竹子般的洋辣椒……一切让人感到一阵欢喜。然而继续向前走就没有这么好的事物了: 一口池塘边,一群一群的死鱼漂在水上,旁边的橘子树也枯萎了。 我们再往前十米看,橘子树又是硕果累累,枝繁叶茂。这可真奇怪,就像别人说的水土不同吧! 我们又沿着山路向前周,一路上,爸爸妈妈停的向我介绍,还讲了一些他们小时侯的故事。……时间不早了!我们又从另一条路回外婆家,一路上我们看到有很多马齿苋便一路上说说笑笑的把马齿苋摘了一大把,恨不得能有个口袋把它们装下,就这样我们有回到了外婆家。 这次国庆虽然没有到外面游山玩水,但是去外婆家也饱了我的眼福呀!
太好了!太好了!这个国庆节我、妈妈、小姑婆和小阿姨就要去旅游喽! 我们是坐飞机去的,在去飞机场的路上,我既兴奋又不安。为什么呢?兴奋是因为我第一次坐飞机,而不安则是因为我担心飞机会不会是准点起飞。 经过漫长的等待,我们终于上飞机了,我心里无比激动,呀!一片茫茫云海呢!真是美呆了!夕阳西下更是美丽,就好似云海多了一颗金丹。 很快就到了另一个机场,已经很晚了,我昏昏沉沉想睡觉,经过飞机、机场大巴和小汽车后,终于到了目的地,目的地是“家”,我很快就睡着了。 第二天去星湖啦!本来是去鼎湖山的,后来人太多了,姨婆决定去星湖了。星湖是湿地,什么是湿地呢?湿地是指天然或人工常久或暂时之沼泽地、湿原或水域地带。 我见到了火烈鸟、丹顶鹤和蓑羽鹤。我还喂了丹顶鹤玉米和小鱼,丹顶鹤吃小鱼可有趣了!你把小鱼递过去时,它乘你不注意,突然一下把鱼儿嗖地叼走了,等你反应过来后,它已经把小鱼吞到肚子里去了。观赏完后,我们坐车回家了。 第三天我们去鼎湖山了!鼎湖山里的水那叫一个清呀!是矿泉水,可以喝的呢!我喝了一点,恩,又有点酸又有点冰,好解渴呀!我和妈妈开始玩打水仗的游戏,我衣服都被溅湿了。妈妈一不小心被石头咯了一下脚,疼得哇哇叫。 哎,为什么欢乐的时光这么短暂?我们休息了一天,马上要回去了。经过大巴、飞机、大巴,我们回到了家,快乐的旅行结束了。