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► If the character points out something that is blatantly obvious. In a world where one man has to save the world. Man: "I have to save the world."角色台词都是废话。比如在一个英雄拯救世界的剧情里,英雄这样说:“我必须拯救世界”。

► Starts with too much exposition: "Mary, just because you have a medical degree from Harvard, I'm still your older brother!"有太多的无脑解释,比如:“玛丽,就算你有哈佛大学的医学学位,我还是你哥!”

► When the trailer slows down and the music stops so that the main character can say something very edgy/clever/unique.预告片慢下来,背景音乐一停下,主角说出一些激动万分、故作聪明或标新立异的台词。

► Ugh, the damn 'I know what you’re thinking' bit. This has become such a trend in Disney movies where they have to be 'self-aware' and crap. How about instead of that, just have actual fresh ideas?“我懂你在想什么”一类的台词。这已经成为迪士尼电影的惯常套路,角色全部都是“我什么都懂”的人设、会胡说八道。与其这样,不如说点有用的话?



► If there are multiple trailers for a comedy movie, but they use the same joke in all of them.一部喜剧电影有好几个版本的预告片,用的都是一样的包袱……

► When the film opens with the shot of a bedside clock or the protagonist waking up. This usually means the rest of the film probably will swim in an ocean of overused tropes, clichés, and/or predictable plot points.以床边的闹钟、主角睁眼醒来的镜头开场。一般而言,这类电影会把你拖入滥用的桥段、陈腐俗套的深渊。

► When they try forcing memes into it. It's either cringe or so outdated that it just looks stupid.强行挪用网络梗,让人觉得尴尬、老套,看起来很愚蠢。

► Shaky cam and quick-cut editing. Jumping over a fence? Twenty quick cuts. Take it or leave it.摇摇晃晃的镜头和快速剪辑。跳个栅栏有20次快速剪辑。受不了就别看。

► When it's a remake of what most people already consider a great movie.某部经典电影的翻拍。

► If it's a sequel that's coming out more than 10 years after its predecessor. Sometimes this works out, but a lot of times it doesn't.某部影片的续集,且在上一部的10年之后上映。有的片子还行,但大部分续集是烂片。

► When the advertising is blatantly obvious. I don't want a full shot of a Coke can for 10 seconds with no relevancy to the plot.广告植入太明显。我不想在10秒钟里一直看见一个与情节无关的可乐瓶子。



► When they hype the movie's soundtrack more than the film itself.宣传电影的配乐比宣传电影本身还多。

► When its streaming service description is just a list of its stars and their accolades, instead of anything about the movie's plot.铺天盖地地宣传明星阵容和他们的好评,而不是电影情节。

► When you see TV commercials for a mainstream release at every turn for WEEKS ahead of its release. The studio is trying to make some money on it the first weekend before word gets out about how bad it is.影片正式上映前几周,天天在电视上看到它的广告。这说明制片方正想方设法在发布前的第一个周末多捞点金,毕竟差评一流出就没机会了。

► They quote glowing reviews from some publication in rural North Dakota, whose name you cannot even read on screen.他们引用了北达科他州农村地区一些出版物的热情洋溢的评论,你甚至无法在屏幕上看清楚这些出版物的名字。



(来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:陈月华、丹妮)

