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劳动节大人会放假吗吗英语(劳动节放假 英语)



Labor Day is a holiday that celebrates the contributions of workers to society. It is celebrated on May 1st in many countries around the world, including China. Many people wonder if adults will have a day off on Labor Day. In this article, we will explore whether or not adults will have a day off on Labor Day.


1. What is Labor Day?

Labor Day is a holiday that celebrates the contributions of workers to society. It is celebrated on May 1st in many countries around the world, including China. The holiday originated in the United States in the late 19th century and has since spread to other parts of the world.

2. Is Labor Day a public holiday in China?

Yes, Labor Day is a public holiday in China. This means that most people, including adults, will have a day off from work on May 1st. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

3. Who gets a day off on Labor Day?

Most people in China get a day off on Labor Day. This includes employees of both private and public companies, as well as government workers. However, some essential services, such as hospitals and transportation, may still operate on Labor Day.

4. Are there any exceptions to the Labor Day holiday?

There are some exceptions to the Labor Day holiday. For example, employees who work in essential services, such as hospitals, transportation, and public safety, may still be required to work on Labor Day. Additionally, some businesses, such as restaurants and retail stores, may choose to stay open on Labor Day.


In conclusion, most adults in China will have a day off on Labor Day. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, such as employees who work in essential services and businesses that choose to stay open on the holiday. Overall, Labor Day is an important holiday that celebrates the contributions of workers to society, and it is a time for people to rest and enjoy time with their families.
